They say hindsight is 2020. And that’s ironic. Because many, if not most, people are gonna look back at 2020 and be glad it’s over. And I certainly get that. It’s been filled with challenges. So, it’s only natural to wanna sweep it out the door and forget about it. But I think I have a better idea. And I believe it’s better for your emotional, mental, and even physical health.
Look back at 2020 with rose-colored glasses and a smile.
Because you’re still here. Right? And you’re still able to sit or stand, take nourishment, and face challenges. And I’d like you to tell me a year in your life when you didn’t face challenges. So, in that way, 2020 was no different.
I don’t even remember how many times I’ve heard someone say to someone else (or even say to me), “Oh you just see the world through rose-colored glasses.” And they always say it like it’s a bad thing. And I guess, to them, it IS. Because they believe it means someone doesn’t see the realities of life. But you know what? Just because you don’t wanna focus on those harsh realities doesn’t mean you don’t know they exist.
And I prefer not to focus on those harsh realities. My preference is to focus on solutions. And I love rose-colored glasses. In fact, I own a pair of sunglasses with a rosy tint. And they make everything look smooth and nice. And that’s a lot better on my face. Because I don’t have to squint my eyes and scrunch my face to see. And that makes me happy.
Now, don’t those sound like emotional, mental, and even physical benefits?
Sure, you can look back at this past year with a scrunched up face. And you can look back and gripe about all the restrictions and weird challenges in the world. But will that kind of attitude change even one second of 2020?
The only thing you or I can change is today. Which helps change tomorrow. And the next day…and so on.
And that’s a great way to start off a new year. Because it puts you in the driver’s seat when it comes to time management. Which, as it just so happens, is what I’ll be talking about in my first RondaReady UNversity session. Coming up the first Thursday in February. I’m setting up the registration page right now. So, be sure to stay tuned because you’re gonna wanna enroll as soon as possible. There will be strict deadlines.
In the meantime, you can jump ahead of the class (and all other classes) when you opt for my RondaReady system. It’s the proven system I’ve been telling you about, all this time. And it’s the best one, in the universe, to help you Get Ready to Be Ready and be the highly organized CEO of your business.
So, in 2021, let me help you…
Stay Ready,