Almost all dog trainers have a good supply on hand. Because they’re packed with nutrients. And dogs love ’em. And even though there might have only been one dog who ever heard of James Spratt, they all have him to thank for dog biscuits. Because he’s apparently the American, from back in the 1800’s, who created ’em.
You might be wondering why I’m talking about dog biscuits.
Because today is International Dog Biscuits day, silly. Don’t tell me you forgot! If so, I hope your dog (or your neighbor’s dog, or somebody’s dog) can forgive you.
I know how much my dog, Gary, loves his biscuits. And most other treats, too, for that matter. But dog biscuits are such a convenient way to train your canine companions. For the most part, they’re easy to handle. And for most dogs, they’re not messy because they’ll chew ’em up and chug ’em down in one or two crunches.
These days you can spend a lot on the premium brands. Yeah, who knew our furry, little buddies could be such gourmets? Ha! That’s funny when you consider what a dog will eat when he finds something on a walk. Yuck!
But I didn’t actually share all this with you because of this sacred international “holiday.”
If you’ve followed me for a while, you know how I can read something, like an event set aside on a calendar, and get a business perspective right away. And that’s what happened when I saw this event on today’s date. February 23.
Think about what goes into making sellable treats for dogs.
Mr. Spratt probably experimented with ingredients. And he probably had some trial and error days when it came time to figuring out how long to bake the mix. And at what temperature. Then, he (or somebody) had to figure out how to keep them fresh long enough to deliver them to stores and sell them to customers.
Seems like small details, on the surface. But those are crucial details to know. At least if you wanna be successful at selling what you make. And evidently somebody was successful at it. Because dog food and dog treats are huge now.
So, my guess is, Mr. Spratt (or somebody) figured out a system for baking, cooling, packing, and shipping dog biscuits. And then he tweaked his system until it was as efficient as he could make it. Because he wanted to be sure he could increase his sales and profits.
Like I said…that’s my guess.
And another guess I’d make is that you’d like to increase your sales and profits and be as successful as possible, too. Am I right? If I am, and if you’re not there yet, I’d like to recommend my RondaReady System.
The biggest advantage of my System is that you don’t have to start from scratch. You can plug your business into it. And you can start, the very day you get it, to build your business better and faster. And lots and lots of my successful clients attest to that.
If that sounds interesting enough to get you Ready to invest in yourself and your business, your link is below.
Stay Ready,