“There’s just not enough time in life to do all the things I want.” Have you ever said that? Probably. Because I think just about anybody has felt that way at one time or another. Right? I know I have.
In fact, back when I had a home building business in California, there were definitely more than a few times I thought there just weren’t enough hours in the day. I mean, if you wanna fill up your every waking hour with work, try building, showing, and selling houses in a highly competitive real estate market.
Yikes! (to say the least)
I’ve been talking about ways to invest in yourself, this week, and this sort of falls into that category.
Because without a system, it can sure feel like there’s not enough time in life.
When we first started our business(es) in California, it was all too easy to obsess over the details. And spend too much time on the phone. And go to bed with too many thoughts about “tomorrow” to get a good night’s sleep.
You know what all those mental and physical obsessions are called? Bad habits.
So, I had to break the bad habits of doubt and worry. And replace them with good habits. Like brain dumping. And schedule control (which I taught a class on in this month’s UNversity lesson). Plus, I got myself in the habit of appreciating fresh air, sunshine, and better food. And guess what?
I started getting better sleep. And that helped me get up in a better mood. Ready to take on the world.
So…a free way to invest in yourself is to break your bad habits. And replace them with good ones.
Here’s another mostly free way to break bad habits and invest in yourself.
Read more.
Need motivation to read more? How about this? An article in Reader’s Digest (no pun intended) said people who read at least 30 minutes per day, as a regular habit, live an average of two more years than non readers. Two years might not seem like much. But reading also helps your brain function at a much sharper level. And it might even help you avoid brain problems like Alzheimer’s disease. So, wouldn’t it be nice to think your older years could be clear-thinking years?
And when you read, focus on books instead of just magazines and articles. Because studies show book reading helps develop your critical thinking abilities. And your business can certainly benefit from that.
So, as soon as you’re finished reading this from me, go start a new book. And even though none of us knows how much time we’ve got, there’s at least enough time in life to get started. Right?
But one thing you don’t have enough time for is putting off joining my monthly RondaReady UNversity. Because the deadline to join…and be in time for the next class on the first Thursday in March…is the last day of February. Which is the 28th this year. Yeah, you don’t even have the leap year extra day.
You can still enroll after February 28th, but you’ll be too late for March’s session. Then, you’d have to wait for the next class in April.
For hands-on how-to coaching on how to build your business better and faster with a proven system, monthly tuition is only $15. Remember, tardiness won’t be tolerated. You can cancel anytime. But dropouts will drop out forever.
Join today, and Get Ready to Be Ready and be the highly organized CEO of your own business, and…
Stay Ready,