8760. Seems like a fairly big number. Right? Now, check out this number. 1920. But what do the two numbers represent? Glad you asked (You did ask, right?). Well, the first number represents ALL the hours in a year of 365 days. And the second represents the hours of 50 work weeks. So, if business is a numbers game, then which one is the most important?
First, it’s a trick question. Because business isn’t just a numbers game.
There’s WAY more to it. At least if it’s important to you to build and maintain a successful business. And I hope it IS important. Otherwise, why even start it in the first place?
But let’s get back to that 1920 number. It’s based on averages. Average work weeks. And average number of hours many business owners put into their work. In fact, I’ll bet most people, especially in the last couple of years, don’t even wanna put in that many hours a week.
But my guess, based on years of working with business owners and entrepreneurs, is that YOU aren’t average. Because you’re reading this right now. And you hope you can find solutions that lead to your success. And I’m probably not the only place you’re looking for answers. Right? In fact, here’s another (educated) guess. You probably feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day.
Why would I guess that?
Well, back when I had a home building business in California, there were definitely more than a few times I thought there just weren’t enough hours in the day. I mean, if you wanna feel the numbers game BIG TIME, then build, show, and sell houses in a highly competitive real estate market.
It was like packing 36 hours into every 24-hour day.
And without a system, your business, and your life, can get away from you.
When we first started our business(es) in California, it was WAY too easy to sweat the details. And spend too much time on the phone. And go to bed with too many thoughts about “tomorrow” to get a good night’s sleep.
But do you know what all that’s called?
Bad habits.
So, I had to break the bad habits of doubt and worry. And replace them with good habits. Like brain dumping. And schedule control. And those helped me start some healthy habits. I got more fresh air, sunshine, and better food. And guess what?
I started getting better sleep. And that helped me get up in a better mood. Ready to take on the world.
So…a free way to invest in yourself is to break your bad habits. And replace them with good ones.
Want another mostly free way to break bad habits and invest in yourself?
Read more.
Need some motivation? How about this?
An article I found said people, who regularly read at least 30 minutes a day, live an average of two more years than non readers. That’s 17,520 hours if you’d still like to play the numbers game. And it’s also an extra 3840 hours to have a productive business or life. And that’s if you just stay average.
But remember, YOU are NOT average. So, I wanna help you make the most of how ever many hours you have each day, week, month, and year. And that’s why I want you to enroll in UNversity. It’s the kind of how-to coaching normally reserved for my one-on-one clients.
Enroll today for a monthly tuition of $15. I haven’t raised the price in the whole two years since I started UNversity. But that’s likely to change in 2023. So, get in now. Be in time for the first lesson of 2023. I’ll be sharing a video showing you how I use the RondaReady CRM (Customer/Contact Relationship Management) system to save a ton of time and money (more numbers solutions). And how you can, too.
There IS a deadline to enroll and still be in time for January’s lesson. And that deadline is December 31st when the clock strikes midnight. Link is below.
Stay Ready,
Enroll in UNversity today – https://bit.ly/3sjscAd