Make money with no money. Work from your bed. Just log in and check your sales. And no inventory, no website needed, and no investment required. Because it’s time to fly to land of enchantment. Where all the successful business owners and entrepreneurs drive only the best cars, live in oversized estates, and always have resorts in the backgrounds of their videos. Yes, kids, we’re flying to that wonder island known as Passive Income.
Sound too good to be true?
Or does it sound too good to pass up? I think that must be the more logical question. Because there sure are a lot of people looking for that special island. That place where, as long as you have a smartphone and internet, you can make money 24/7/365 (and 366 in leap years).
And they’ll tell you it’s “not a get rich quick scheme.” Because they don’t wanna look and sound like the quintessential snake oil and miracle tonic salesmen. But a lot of them will tell you that you’re working too hard if you’re still not making passive income. But allow me to share a little nugget of truth with you…
There’s no such thing as Passive Income.
Not truly passive. You can certainly come close enough to it to make it seem like it. And when that happens, it’s awesome. But there’s no such thing as truly passive income. For example, look at these definitions of passive:
- accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance
- not participating readily or actively; inactive
Do those definitions describe how you see yourself running a business?
I hope not. Because that’s a recipe for somebody scamming you out of existence.
No, I think if you check the most successful business owners and entrepreneurs in America, you won’t find a passive one in the bunch. And I’ll bet they don’t get up wondering how to not work. In fact, I bet they get out of bed with a plan. Because they’ve seen how their plan…their system…keeps them on the winning track.
And that’s why I developed my RondaReady System all those years ago. First, to keep me on track. But before long it was part of a lot of other successful businesses. Owned by people who built 6 and 7 figures incomes. They built those incomes. They didn’t just passively watch it happen.
The RondaReady System can help you do that, too.
But my advice is…don’t jump right in. Because it’ll cost you way too much if you’re not ready to dive in head first. In fact, if you’re looking for a way to make passive income by doing nothing, please go somewhere else. Because I can’t help you.
For go-getters, it’ll pay for itself over and over. But you should get my emails first and get to know me. Because you’ll discover I’m real. And I truly do wanna help you build your business better and faster, so you Get Ready, and…
Stay Ready,