Creativity is the answer to, and the cause of, many (if not most) of life’s challenges. A couple of interesting and creative world changers, Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs, attributed a lot of their problem solving abilities to procrastination. I talked about that before.
Einstein loved to think and imagine as he floated around in his sailboat. One story I read said he was even arrested one time for wandering around a beach. I guess they thought he was a crazy vagrant. Honest mistake when you check out his iconic hairdo. And he just wandered as he pondered.
Steve Jobs said procrastination helped him jot down ideas. And doodle. And I guess one of those doodles turned into a little product you might remember. The iPod.
So, those famous (and wealthy) guys had great problem solving skills.
I think we can all agree on that. And no matter what kind of business you run (or would like to run) you’ll have problems to solve. That’s also true for any meaningful job you’ll ever have.
For example, a friend of mine told me how his auto mechanic had to come up with a creative solution to fix a part on his classic pickup. Because he couldn’t find the right replacement part anywhere.
And another example comes from an accountant I know. He told me how he’s always looking for new (aka creative) ways to save his clients money.
I’m sure you can think of dozens of other examples from your own life. Right?
But maybe you still don’t believe you have any time in your life to procrastinate. Or doodle and float around in a sailboat dreaming up ways to solve problems. And maybe you don’t.
But when you set your business up with the right system, you could find your own method for problem solving. And you don’t have to buy a sailboat or get a wild hairdo. My RondaReady System has been the right one for lots of business owners and entrepreneurs.
But, here’s what I tell anyone who’ll listen.
You don’t have to jump into the RondaReady System all the way to get started. Because I created UNversity for business owners and entrepreneurs who need or want business coaching but can’t afford (YET) the cost of one-on-one training. Lessons are on the first Thursday of the month. That means, the lesson for April 2023 is tomorrow. (Current subscribers get Ready. This one is a how-to you don’t wanna miss.)
But if you haven’t enrolled already, you’re too late. Because there’s a deadline to enroll for each lesson. And it’s midnight on the last day of the previous month. So, you just missed April’s lesson on customer/client communications. An incredible problem solving lesson.
Not to worry. You can enroll right now and be way early for May’s lesson to help you build your business better and faster with a proven system. Monthly tuition is $15. I haven’t raised the price in the whole two years since I started UNversity. But that’s likely to change in 2023. So, don’t delay. Link is below.
Stay Ready,
Enroll in UNversity today –