I just read an article talking about procrastination benefits. I know, sounds crazy. Right? But as I read on, it kinda made sense. In fact, when you think about it, you might find ways to make it work for you.
And since it’s so easy, wouldn’t it be great if procrastination benefits you, too?
I mean, what could be easier than putting something off till later. “Oh, I’ll get to that tomorrow.” You’ve probably never said that, right. Yeah, if you’re from another planet, maybe.
And who hasn’t heard that old expression, Why put off till tomorrow what you can do today?
But then again…there might be times when that makes perfect sense. Especially as a business owner.
Because, on any given day, you can find yourself bombarded with every day work. Like getting up on Monday morning and finding 100 new emails in your inbox. Or five phone calls coming in before you’ve even looked at your calendar or straightened the paperwork on your desk.
Oh sure, you could just jump right in and start answering all those emails. Maybe you even have an extra set of hands so you can type emails and answer phone calls. And maybe you can do all that even while you’re checking sales, performance measurements, and all those other business metrics.
Or maybe you can’t do all that at the same time. (And by maybe, I mean definitely.)
So, that’s when a little healthy dose of procrastination might come in handy. And you don’t just jump in. Instead you look at your to-do list and prioritize. What needs to get done first? And whatever can wait, you procrastinate. Prioritization…benefit.
And how about creativity?
Sometimes you need to concentrate on something you need to do. Because you know it’s gotta get done. But it’s gotta get done right the first time. “You only get one chance to make a first impression,” and all that jazz.
So, you don’t dive in right away. You give yourself that much needed time to come up with a more creative and efficient solution. And sure enough, when you do dive in, your creativity turned it into a winner.
A client of mine had a problem with focus. But it wasn’t just A.D.D. or anything like that. She just wanted all her customers to feel special. So, when one of them called and needed something, she’d drop what she was doing and start working on that. Nothing terribly wrong with that. Until it happens with every customer and every call. And that’s why she said she felt like she was always “chasing her tail.”
So, I helped her see how she was much more effective and productive when she stayed on task. Because when you start something only to start something else when it pops up, you risk not getting either one done.
Avoid wasted effort…benefit.
One last way procrastination benefits you.
Some research shows how having a looming deadline gets your adrenaline going. And when that happens, you’re more likely to have laser focus. Meaning you’re gonna get it done. So some people say putting something off till last minute helps them do it better. (Results may vary)
Increased focus…benefit.
And speaking of deadlines…
The deadline to enroll in my monthly RondaReady …and be in time for the first one in February…has passed. So, you missed it. But you can still enroll and join me for the next class in March. The deadline to enroll for that class is the end of February. And this isn’t a leap year, so you only have 27 more days to procrastinate.
For hands-on how-to coaching on how to build your business better and faster with a proven system, monthly tuition is only $15. Remember, tardiness won’t be tolerated. You can cancel anytime. But dropouts will drop out forever.
Join today, and Get Ready to Be Ready and be the highly organized CEO of your own business, and…
Stay Ready,