About three years ago I talked about business owners and entrepreneurs who suffer from OSAD. Organization skills attention disorder. OK, I came up with the acronym so I could “poke fun” a little. But it’s so sad how so many (maybe most) still deal with that very problem.
So, if you’re so sad about your lack of organization skills, you’re not alone.
But I’ll tell you the same thing I said back then. Fear not. Because I have a solution, for you and your business, to take the dis out of disorder.
By the way, I’m not just talkin’ about a messy desk problem. You can still be wonderfully organized even with a messy desk. Maybe not AS organized as you could be. But this isn’t just the simple everything-has-a-place-and-everything-is-in-it’s-place kind of organization.
Sure, it’s great to be as uncluttered as possible. In your office. On your desk. And most importantly in your thoughts. But your messy desk or office is just the visible evidence.
The real problem might be hidden in the way you set things up in your business. And you might be trying to keep too many things in your head instead of getting them written down. Because, like I always say, until it’s written down and planned out, it’s just an idea. And ideas are just the beginning. It’s action that brings change.
I love to watch the transformation take place when I help a business owner plan out and write down their action steps. When that lightbulb flashes on. And when they get their “a-ha” moment. So cool to see their new found skills kick in as they set up their system.
I’ve seen my RondaReady System do that so many times for my one-on-one clients. And I’ve watched as they set up their System to keep them on track. With automation and delegation. And it’s those kinds of organization skills and more that save tons and tons of time.
Time just so happens to be the subject of next month’s UNversity lesson.
RondaReady UNversity is where you can go to get how-to coaching lessons every month. And at a price my one-on-one coaching clients don’t want me to give you.
Join me on May 4 as I cover:
- Time classifications
- Time blocking, and
- Daily Intentions
Enroll today for a monthly tuition of $15. I haven’t raised the price since I started UNversity. But that’s likely to change in 2023. So, get in now and be in time for the next lesson on the first Thursday in May (same goes for each month).
The deadline to enroll is the last day of this month, April 2023, when the clock strikes midnight. And that’s only a couple of days away after today. I’ll be so sad if you miss it. Link is below.
Stay Ready,
Your Responsive Online Nonstop Digital Assistant