Time is money – how much you got?
We know it’s true. Right? Maybe a better way to say it is, “money represents time.” So, why don’t we act like time is money…or money is time? I guess I can understand it more from younger people who still think they’re gonna live forever. But for those of us with a few more years on us should know better. And since we don’t seem to know better we do things like this…
Way, way back when I was younger (maybe I still thought I’d live forever…who knows?) I had a neighbor who was a crazy shopper. At least that’s how I saw it. Because, every week she’d drive to 4 different stores to get her weekly shopping done. One store for produce, one for paper goods. Another one for its deli. And so on. I saw how it took her just about all day long. She said the reason she shopped that way was to get the better prices.
But time is money, so you gotta watch your time.
So, let’s say you’re a business person who does the same thing. You have your database with one system. And your marketing automation is in another system. Maybe you use Google calendar or Apple’s Calendar on yet another system. Then, your performance management is on still another system (or no performance management at all).
And that might not be the worst problem.
Maybe you also depend on a team member or family member to help you with all those systems. They’re not familiar with any of them, and they can’t help you make the best use of any of them. But they’re willing to help out for “free.” There’s that pesky word. Free. Remember time is money. So if somebody’s willing to help, but you gotta help them understand the system, that uses your time. Your money. And that means it’s not so free after all. Right?
The more time you have to spend on different systems…or showing someone else how to use them, the more money you lose. If you chose to own a business because you wanted more money and freedom, you need your own eco-SYSTEM. A system for your personal and business economy. And you can run a well organized, efficient business capable of supporting the life you want with a proven system.
So, I recommend you don’t waste your precious time trying to save money with various systems in multiple places. As a business owner your time is extremely valuable. And your number one job is to create solid, duplicatable systems so you can grow your organization. Because if it ain’t growing…it’s dying.
Time stands still for no one.
Free systems are not free. They’re just fragments. You might get part of the way…but not the whole way to success. Don’t waste your time “fixing” things and finding “work-arounds.” Invest in your business. A great system saves you time. Time to grow your business.
It just so happens, the RondaReady online business coach CRM system is that kind of system. Not just because it puts all the important business building tools in one place. But also because it has the one thing other systems don’t. Me. Let me help you…
Stay Ready,
When you’re really, really ready to get ready, get RondaReady
P.S. If you’re already a RondaReady Online Business Coach CRM System subscriber, I’d love to give you some of your money back. In fact, when you mention it to other business owners you know, or friends, or clients…and you’ll receive a commission for every single one who signs up for RondaReady. That is…when you’re an affiliate. It’s a great way to get back the money you paid for your own membership. And I’ve already set it up and made it super easy for you.
Click or tap HERE to find out more and sign up for free.