Who hasn’t, at some point, wished they could turn back the clock? Maybe you’re wishing that right now. Hey, I’ve been there. Maybe, in some ways, I’m always there. But the reality is, there’s really only point in your life where you can make a difference. Now. So, your time to shine is…say it with me…NOW.
Sure, it would be great to jump into your time machine and go back in time. Well, maybe it’d be great. Because maybe you could map out all those bumps in the road of life. And think about how much nicer your life would be now.
Or would it? Because, just like in the time travel movies, you might change your future to something even worse. So, what do you say we just forget about that clocking turning stuff? And embrace the facts.
Your time to shine is NOW.
And time travel just means you’d just be trying to “fix” the future. Instead of setting it up for yourself. And you’d sacrifice the journey forward. I mean think about it. When you rent a car to go on vacation, do you decide to stay home if you see there’s construction on some of the highways? No, you just get going. And deal with stuff.
So, sometimes there’s gonna be detours along the way. What do you do then? Go home?
No way! You’re on vacation. So you’re gonna have fun no matter what. One way or another. Right?
Well, I’m being a little silly. Because I want you to get the point. Life is full of unexpected surprises and consequences. So, you gotta be able to navigate better and think clearly under pressure. Think systematically. It’s the age-old formula: IF…THEN.
If the road is closed, then take another. And if the weather might change, then pack more clothes. Or if the dates get changed, then make sure your deposits are refundable.
It’s the closest thing to time travel.
And like the old saying goes, “the only thing constant is change.” So, it’s a matter of “when.” Not “if.” So, if your future serves up lemons, are you gonna be ready to make some lemonade?
Well, I believe you’ll be ready if you learn to System Think. That’s what I call it in my course for young people, about ready to go out on their own. And the power of System Think is that it helps you have a when for every if.
I call my course YOUniversity. Because it’s focused on (you guessed it) YOU. And it’s based on my proven System with over 20 years of proof behind it. And that proof includes dozens of businesses that went from five figure sales and profits to 6 figures…and six figures sales and profits to seven figures.
But it’s not just about the money. Sure, that’s always great. But I’m talking about the secure feeling you have, the emotional well-being you have, when you can face the future with a clear vision of who you are and what you want. That’s the power of System Think. And it’s the power of YOUniversity.
If you, or someone you care about, would like to make sure your time to shine starts today, call me. Schedule a call with a click or a tap on the button below. And let’s talk about how to get the ball (and a confident future) rolling.
Stay Ready,