Once upon a time there lived a young boy named Riley (not his real name) who grew up next to a roaring river in Colorado. As soon as he was old enough, his father took Riley with him on fishing and rafting trips up and down the river. And in almost no time at all he knew the in’s and out’s of the river like the back of his hand. He became quite the passionate adventurer. And, as a teenager, he took friends and relatives white water rafting every chance he got.
So, he dreamed of owning a white water rafting and fishing guide business.
Because Riley believed white water rafting could be more than a hobby. He was sure he could make it, and being a fishing guide, a real business AND a real way of life.
So, with his infectious enthusiasm, Riley decided to launch his business idea, “River Rush Rafting,” online. With the help of a friend who knew how to build and set up a website, Riley’s vision turned into a place where anyone in the world could see what he had to offer.
Of course, he still had to spread the word. So, he crafted a sharp marketing strategy. First he asked all the people he’d already taken white water rafting to tell everyone they knew. And he asked them to leave him Google reviews. And they were all more than happy to provide excellent word-of-mouth advertising.
Then, Riley made sure to showcase awesome pictures and videos of his river adventures. And he provided detailed information on safety, packages, and booking options in his easy and convenient online appointment calendar.
Riley certainly wasn’t a backwoods river rat. He definitely understood the importance of social media in the modern business environment. So, he put up profiles on platforms such as YouTube and TikTok where he could share videos of the thrills of white water rafting and fishing in Colorado. And thrill seekers and outdoor enthusiasts discovered him, so it wasn’t long till he grew a loyal following.
But Riley’s strategic thinking didn’t stop there.
He focused on SEO optimization and plenty of fresh and relevant content. Plus, his impeccable customer service kept him WAY ahead of his competitors. When customers left River Rush Rafting, they knew they’d had the tip-top experience in Colorado. Then, they left rave reviews and shared their exhilarating experiences on social media.
So, Riley’s childhood dream exploded, like class 5 rapids, into a well-known adventure company. In fact, business was so good, he had to hire additional river guides and expand his fleet of rafts. But he had never hired employees before. And he knew that having a team meant he’d need a system to help him keep track of lots more data. So, he looked for someone who could help him set up that system.
And that’s where the RondaReady Hub system shines.
Are you a hard-working dreamer, like Riley?
Are you ready to take things to that next level?
If so, let’s talk about how RondaReady can help you be Ready, too. It’s not as scary as white water rafting. And your own RondaReady Hub could be just what you’ve been looking for. So, schedule a time to talk with me about it.
Here’s your link to get it started:
Stay Ready,
Responsive Organized Nonstop Digital Axis