This is just too, too, too, too, too good to pass up. Because TOday is quite a TWOday. OK, enough of the bad puns. I’m sure you know that today’s date is 2-22-22. But do you know almost no one alive now will ever see that date again? Because it won’t happen for another hundred years. So, if you have to make some business decisions based on this date, you better get busy. It doesn’t last long.
And that’s how business decisions need to be made.
Deliberately and timely. And definitely not haphazardly.
I’ve shared the story, before, about how my parents gave me some great decision making advice. And they showed me how to cultivate the best kinds of friends. And weed out the unsavory types. “We don’t drink, smoke, or chew nor go with people who do,” they said. I think actress, Jane Russell, might have said it first. But that doesn’t matter. I heard it from my parents first. And that leads me to the point I wanna make.
Some business decisions need more thought and research. But there are some you should be able to make faster. Especially if you’re a business owner. Here’s a little bit of a conversation I had with a client who wasn’t sure if a new potential employee would be a good fit.
I asked, “Why aren’t you sure?”
“Because I’m not sure if they’ll be able to bring in enough business to justify me paying them,” she answered.
“Well, how much would that need to be?” I followed up.
“Uh, I don’t have those actual numbers. And I guess that’s why I’m still riding the fence,” she replied with a sheepish grin.
“Well, there you go,” I said. “And don’t I always say you gotta know your numbers?”
And as it turned out, her numbers showed her she couldn’t afford to hire someone, yet. Imagine what a disaster it would have been to hire someone only to have to fire them shortly after. Not a good thing.
Wanna make better and faster business decisions? Then, know your numbers.
Plus, you gotta know your core values. And what kind of people you’ll sell to and who you’ll hire to help.
And I mean “KNOW.”
Not “think” or “guess.”
When you know your numbers, your business runs much better. And decisions are so much simpler. And SO much more profitable.
That’s why I created the RondaReady System. Because I love to help risk takers and go-getters KNOW their businesses inside and out.
So, if you’re Ready to take your business up a notch, or two two two, decide NOW to click or tap that link below.
Stay Ready,