What does your smartphone have in common with your customers and clients? If you said phone numbers, give yourself a B. But if you’d rather get an A, then consider this answer. Your smartphone should be able to help you, a lot, as you’re managing expectations in your business.
Because managing expectations can save you tons of time and headaches.
If you don’t like to type out everything (especially on a mobile device), you’ll probably love some of the features of my RondaReady System. And one of those features is voice-to-text recognition. And that’s just a fancy schmancy way of saying you can take notes, in the system, just by saying them directly into the CRM.
I know more and more people get more and more work done, efficiently, from their trusty phones. I know I feel like something’s missing when I don’t have mine with me. And it’s just plain awesome to have access to such amazing technology, in the palm of your hands. Especially with all the “social distancing” that’s still going on in the world right now.
So, that’s a key reason I made sure the RondaReady CRM system has a simple way to take notes for reminders, etc.
It’s so convenient to be able to talk text in between appointments, for example. While something is fresh in your mind. And you don’t have to pull over, grab your phone, and type on that tiny keyboard. Instead, you tap on a button, talk, tap the button again, and your note is ready and waiting for you when you get back to your computer.
But maybe you wonder what any of that’s got to do with your customers’ expectations.
Simple. The easier it is to set reminders (like call-back reminders, for example), the more likely you are to remember. And get it done. And the more likely your customers or clients can depend on you to return calls and more.
I’ll be talking a lot more about that in April’s UNversity how-to lesson. That’s coming up a week from today because UNversity classes are the first Thursday of every month. But the deadline to sign up for each month’s class is on the last day of the prior month. And that just so happens to be today, March 31. Your link is below
Stay Ready,
Don’t miss out. Click or tap that link below
before midnight March 31 (TONIGHT)
so I can see you in class on the 1st Thursday in April