It’s finally here. And I thought it’d never get here. Didn’t you? But, at last, it’s National Hairball Awareness Day. I can almost hear everyone cheering and toasting their drinks. Because who hasn’t been looking forward to this day since January 1? Am I right?
And National Hairball Awareness Day is YOUR day.
Your day to take the bull by the horns (or should I say cat by the fur) and get things moving (hairball pun only slightly intended). Before I share how you could do that, check out these feline facts:
- The scientific name for a hairball is a Trichobezoar.
- It was thought by some ancient people that animal hairballs could cure poisoning or even the plague.
- Lions have been known to cough up very large hairballs.
- Hairballs are more common as cats shed their winter coats.
- Healthy cats will only have one or two hairballs every year.
- Switching to a high-fiber cat diet can help reduce the chance of hairballs.
OK. Is that a case of TMI? Well, no need to get bent out of shape. How about I mention it’s also National Pretzel Day (see what I did there?). Yeah, I just saw a short news blurb about that this morning. And the blurb even included a link to a place, in Ohio, where you can get a free pretzel with the purchase of a coffee or other drink.
Now, that’s a “holiday” much more to my liking. But guess what else today is.
I won’t make you guess.
It’s National You-Fill-In-The-Blank Day. You just need a System you can depend on to help you automate and delegate. So you can RUN your business or your day. And they don’t run you.
AND you’re in the right place. Because I (shameful self-promotion ahead) have the best system going. If I DO say so myself. And I did. It’s the best because it includes me.
But here’s the thing. The best is never the cheapest. And that’s true of my RondaReady System, too. So, here’s what I did. I also created UNversity. It’s where you can go to get how-to coaching lessons every month. And at a price my one-on-one coaching clients don’t want me to give you.
Next month’s lesson (on May 4th) is on schedule control. I’ll be going over:
- Time classifications
- Time blocking, and
- Daily Intentions
Enroll today for a monthly tuition of $15. I haven’t raised the price since I started UNversity. But that’s likely to change in 2023. So, get in now and be in time for the next lesson on the first Thursday in May (same goes for each month).
The deadline to enroll is the last day of this month, April 2023, when the clock strikes midnight. And that’s only four days away. So, don’t delay. Link is below.
Stay Ready,
Your Responsive Online Nonstop Digital Assistant